Евразийское экономическое сообщество


RULES OF PROCEDURE for the Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community


by Resolution of the EurAsEC

Integration Committee

5 September 2007, No. 818


for the Integration Committee

of the Eurasian Economic Community

These Rules of Procedure define the procedure of work for the Integration Committee, the procedure of its meetings, the procedure to develop and adopt resolutions pursuant to the Treaty on the Establishment of the Eurasian Economic Community signed on October 10, 2000, by the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, and the Republic of Tajikistan (hereinafter referred to as the Treaty and the Parties) and pursuant to the Regulations of the Integration Committee of EurAsEC.


1. Meetings of the Integration Committee are normally conducted in Almaty or in Moscow, or by agreement of the Parties, in any other city in EurAsEC member states.

2. The date and venue of a regular meeting shall be normally defined in a previous meeting of the Integration Committee.

If it is impossible to conduct a regular meeting in the venue and/or on the date defined in the previous meeting, the Chairman of the Integration Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Chairman) defines a new venue/date for the meeting with the consent of the Parties.

3. Extraordinary meetings of the Integration Committee shall be convened as decided by the Interstate Council of EurAsEC (hereinafter referred to as the Interstate Council) or on the initiative of any Party or the Chairman.

A Party initiating an extraordinary meeting directs an appeal to the Chairman with substantiation of the need to convene such a meeting and provides a draft agenda and draft documents regarding the issues proposed for consideration.

The Chairman defines the date and venue of the extraordinary meeting as agreed with all Parties, within 7 days after receiving the request.

4. Meetings of the Integration Committee shall normally be open meetings and may be attended by the Permanent Representatives of the Parties (hereinafter referred to as the Permanent Representatives) to the Community, representatives of the states and institutions being the observers, representatives of EurAsEC organs, the Secretary General, employees of the Secretariat supporting the meeting, and invitees.

The Chairman shall decide whether accredited representatives of mass media may attend meetings.

5. Closed meetings may be convened as proposed by any Party or as decided by the Integration Committee.

6. Meetings of the Integration Committee shall be deemed legally qualified, if these are attended by all its members or persons vested with appropriate powers by the Parties as duly established.

II. Meeting agenda,

procedure for preparation and

SUBMISSION of draft documents

7. A draft agenda for a meeting of the Integration Committee shall be prepared by the Secretariat of the Integration Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Secretariat) and agreed upon with the Commission of Permanent Representatives, based on a review of proposals by the Parties, the Community organs and organizations that are observers with the Community, as well as third states and organizations.

8. Not later than 30 days before a meeting of the Integration Committee, the Secretariat forwards to the Chairman, members of the Integration Committee and the Governments of EurAsEC member states a package of documents and materials regarding issues included in the agenda.

The package of documents regarding each issue of the agenda (except for procedural matters) includes:

– reference data describing a process of work on documents regarding the issue under consideration, with substantiation of the need to adopt the proposed document;

– financial and economic computation (if required);

– materials of specialist meetings, meetings of working parties, councils and commissions regarding the issue under consideration, including minutes thereof;

– draft documents for signing;

– draft resolutions to be introduced to the Interstate Council;

– a copy of the protocol resolution adopted by the Commission of Permanent Representatives in connection with the issue under consideration;

– other additional materials (as required);

– a list of existing EurAsEC treaties and resolutions regarding the issues under consideration and issues subject to amendments or cancellation in case of adopting the resolution (document) proposed (as required).

Exceptions shall be made only for issues that immediately require the adoption of urgent resolutions by the Integration Committee.

Not later than 7 days before a meeting of the Integration Committee, the Parties submit to the Secretariat written and electronic copies of proposals and comments regarding documents and materials on issues included in the draft agenda, which should be expeditiously forwarded by the Secretariat to the Parties.

9. For the purpose of preparation draft documents, the Secretariat, in discharge of its function provided for in item 26 of the Regulations of the Integration Committee, within its competence and with notification to the Commission of Permanent Representatives, may:

– hold working meetings and engage the Parties’ specialists;

– create groups of experts (if several specialist meetings are to be conducted to discuss one and the same issue, the group of experts should not change, if this is possible);

– consult with the Parties’ institutions and Community subsidiary organs, with notification to the Commission of Permanent Representatives.

10. Draft documents and resolutions shall be submitted to the Integration Committee by the Commission of Permanent Representatives.

11. An agenda shall be approved at the beginning of each meeting of the Integration Committee.

On extraordinary occasions, some issues may be introduced to the Integration Committee by initiative of the Parties within a period not provided by the Rules of Procedure.

The day before a meeting of the Integration Committee, the Commission of Permanent Representatives may additionally review comments and proposals by the Parties in connection with the issues included in the agenda of the Integration Committee meeting in order to reconcile disagreements between the Parties.

III. delegations

12. Official delegations to participate in meetings of the Integration Committee shall normally include 5 people.

13. Not later than 5 days before a meeting, the Parties shall inform the Secretariat of the personnel included in their official delegations, in order to settle all organizational issues with a host state.

The number of persons to participate in a meeting as experts from each Party shall be defined by the Parties jointly with the Secretariat, as agreed upon with the host state.

14. Full authorization must be demonstrated to participate in a meeting of the Integration Committee, if a member state of the Community is represented not by a member of the Integration Committee, but by another authorized person.

Full authorization shall be presented before the meeting to the Chairman of the Integration Committee. The Chairman informs those participating at the meeting of the authorization presented.

IV. chairmanship

15. The tasks of the Chairman of the Integration Committee are as follows:

– general management duties to prepare the proposed issues for a regular meeting;

– opening, presiding over and closing meetings;

– ensuring compliance with these Rules of Procedure.

V. procedure of Meetings

16. Decisions to open and close a meeting of the Integration Committee shall be made by members of the Integration Committee, at the suggestion of the Chairman.

17. Members of the Integration Committee may put forward proposals on the meeting procedure out of turn.

At any time during the meeting a Party may introduce a proposal to suspend the meeting. Such a proposal shall call for a vote without debate.

18. Resolutions shall be adopted by the Integration Committee in accordance with the procedure established in Article 13 of the Treaty. Resolutions of the Integration Committee shall be adopted by a majority of 2/3. If five Parties vote to adopt a resolution but poll insufficient votes, below a majority of 2/3, the issue shall be referred to the Interstate Council. The votes of each Party correspond to its contribution to the Community budget in maintaining EurAsEC organs and financing the organization of meetings for organs of the Community and Commission of Permanent Representatives with EurAsEC, as follows:

Republic of Belarus – 15 votes;

Republic of Kazakhstan – 15 votes;

Kyrgyz Republic – 7.5 votes;

Russian Federation – 40 votes;

Republic of Tajikistan – 7.5 votes;

Republic of Uzbekistan – 15 votes.

Resolutions adopted shall be expressed in writing, on headed paper, and shall be subject to compulsory signing by all members of the Integration Committee or specially authorized persons.

In case of disagreements and application of the voting procedure to adopt a resolution, a poll deed shall be attached to the resolution and this deed also is to be signed by all members of the Integration Committee or specially authorized persons. A special opinion of any member of the Integration Committee shall be attached in writing to the resolution of the Integration Committee.

Resolutions regarding procedural issues shall be adopted by a simple majority of votes.

A resolution of the Integration Committee shall be effective from the moment of its adoption, unless the resolution itself specifies otherwise.

19. Organizational, information and technical support for preparing and holding meetings of the Integration Committee shall be provided by the Secretariat, under the auspices of a host state.

Funds for holding meetings shall be allocated from the Community budget, within limits provided for these purposes.

VI. final provisions

20. Invitations to meetings of the Integration Committee shall be forwarded by the Secretary General on the proposal of the Parties and/or EurAsEC organs, as agreed with the Chairman.

21. Meetings of the Integration Committee shall be recorded. Meeting records are not intended for distribution.

22. Texts of documents adopted by the Integration Committee shall be published in the Community printed publication, as directed by the Integration Committee.

23. These Rules shall be approved by the Integration Committee. At the suggestion of the Parties and/or EurAsEC organs, these Rules may be amended by a Resolution of the Integration Committee.
