REGULATIONS on Observer Status in the Eurasian Economic Community Approved by Resolution of the EurAsEC Interstate Council 13 May 2002, No. 46
REGULATIONS on Observer Status in the Eurasian Economic Community
The present Regulations of Observer Status in the Eurasian Economic Community (hereinafter referred to as the Community or EurAsEC) is prepared in accordance with the article 10 of the Treaty on the Establishment of the Eurasian Economic Community of October 10, 2000 (hereinafter referred to as the Treaty), providing for the possibility of granting observer status in the Eurasian Economic Community to any state or international interstate (intergovernmental) organization (hereinafter referred to as the state or organization, respectively) in case of a corresponding request. 2. The Secretary General of EurAsEC examines the application of the state or organization requesting to be granted the observer status. If necessary, the Secretary General of EurAsEC is entitled to additionally request the necessary documents from the applicant. The decision whether to grant (suspend, cancel) observer status in the Eurasian Economic Community, after the application has been considered in the established order, is made by the Interstate Council (at the level of the Heads of State). 3. Representatives of the state or organization applying for observer status can be invited to the meeting of the Interstate Council when the corresponding application for granting observer status is reviewed. The decision to grant observer status is made by consensus. Within one week the Secretary General of EurAsEC forwards the decision to the corresponding state or organization. The latter in their turn notify the Secretary General of EurAsEC in writing about the receipt of this decision. 4. observer status does not give the right to vote during decision-making at the meetings of the EurAsEC organs or the right to sign the documents of the EurAsEC organs. The observer shall bear no responsibility for the decisions made by the Community organs. 5. The state or organization granted observer status has the right to: – attend open meetings of the EurAsEC organs; – speak at the meetings of the EurAsEC organs upon the chairman’s consent; – receive, when necessary, the open documents and decisions made by EurAsEC organs. 6. The state or organization granted observer status submits upon request of the EurAsEC organs the necessary documents related to their participation in the work of Community’s organs in the capacity of observers. 7. The state or organization granted observer status notifies the Secretariat of the EurAsEC Integration Committee about their intention to participate in a meeting of a EurAsEC organ not later than 10 working days prior to the appointed date of the meeting. 8. The state or organization granted observer status refrains from actions or declarations directed against the interests of the Community or the EurAsEC member states, or the decisions made by the EurAsEC organs, or the principles the Treaty is based on. 10. The state or organization granted observer status has the right to submit to the Interstate Council via the Secretary General a declaration canceling their observer status that shall be decided at the next regular meeting of the Interstate Council. 11. The diplomatic missions of the observer-states as well as the missions of the International organizations accredited in the countries where the Eurasian Economic Community organs have their seat shall have the right to maintain constant contact with the Secretariat of the Integration Committee on issues related to their participation in the work of the Eurasian Economic Community organs in the capacity of observers. __________
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