Евразийское экономическое сообщество


Совместные проекты Интегрированная база законодательства ЕВРАЗЭС В ВОПРОСАХ И ОТВЕТАХ Информационная система о товарах и услугах Евразийский деловой совет 10 лет ЕврАзЭС Портал Евразийской интеграции

Календарь новостей

сентябрь 2015

AGREEMENT AGREEMENT on granting equal rights to citizens of the Parties of the Treaty on increased integration in the economic and humanitarian fields of 29 March 1996, for entering educational institutions of 24 November 19981


on granting equal rights to citizens of the Parties

of the Treaty on increased integration

in the economic and humanitarian fields of 29 March 1996,

for entering educational institutions

of 24 November 19981

The Government of the Republic of Belarus, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Government of the Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as Parties,

guided by the Declaration “Ten Simple Steps towards Ordinary People” of April 28, 1998, and the Treaty between the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic on increased integration in the economic and humanitarian fields of 29 March 1996,

seeking to continue conducting the policy of joint actions in the area of education, science and culture,

believing that free access of young people to the intellectual resources of the Parties will serve this purpose,

admitting that realization of the aforesaid opportunities presupposes mutual recognition and equivalence of educational documents, giving equal rights for entering educational institutions,

have agreed as follows:

Article 1

The Parties shall grant equal rights to the citizens of the Party states to the Agreement to be admitted to state educational institutions of the Parties on the basis of documents of the state standard mutually recognized as equivalent, both to places financed from the state budget, as well as to places with tuition paid on a contractual basis in compliance with the admission rules adopted by a state educational institution.

Article 2

Regulation of admission to educational institutions of the state agencies of defense, state security, internal affairs, state border and customs services shall be determined by additional agreements between the Parties.

Article 3

The Parties shall provide each other with the normative and legal acts regulating the rules of admission to educational institutions, preparation and issuing of standard state documents corresponding to various education degrees, samples and descriptions of these documents with official interpretation thereof.

Article 4

Controversial issues related to application and interpretation of this Agreement shall be resolved by the Parties through consultations and negotiations.

Article 5

This Agreement shall not affect the rights or obligations of the Parties arising from other international agreements they are Parties to, neither shall it impede entering into new agreements between the Parties that expand this Agreement.

Article 6

Amendments may be made to this Agreement with the Parties’ consent in the form of separate protocol, which shall be an integral part of this Agreement.

Article 7

This Agreement shall enter into force on the date on which the last written notification of completion of the required internal procedures is received by the depositary, which is the Integration Committee.

Article 8

This Agreement shall be effective for five years from the date of its entering into force and shall be automatically extended for a further five-year term unless otherwise decided by the Parties.

Article 9

Other states may accede to this Agreement with consent of the Parties hereto.

Article 10

Each Party shall have the right to terminate its participation in this Agreement, sending a written notification thereof to the Integration Committee.

The Agreement shall be terminated in respect of this Party six months after the date on which the respective notification was received.

Done at Moscow on 24 November 1998, in the Russian language. The original copy of the Agreement is deposited with the Integration Committee, which shall transmit a certified copy thereof to each member state of this Agreement.

For the Government

of the Republic of Belarus                                    S. Ling

For the Government

of the Republic of Kazakhstan                             N. Balgimbayev

For the Government

of the Kyrgyz Republic                                         K. Zhumaliyev

For the Government

of the Russian Federation                                    E. Primakov

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