AGREEMENT AGREEMENT on joint development of the Eurasian Economic Community energy balance of member states of 27 September 20051 AGREEMENT on joint development of the Eurasian Economic Community energy balance of member states of 27 September 20051
The Governments of the Eurasian Economic Community member states hereinafter referred to as the Parties, guided by the regulations of the Treaty on a customs union and a common economic space of February 26, 1999 and the Treaty on the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Community of October 10, 2000, taking into account mutual striving for integration of the mutually complementary fuel and energy complexes of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Community (hereinafter – EurAsEC) and effective use of its advantages in the development of national economies, for the purpose of ensuring the supply-demand balance of the internal fuel and energy resources market of the EurAsEC member states and expanding mutually beneficial interstate supplies of these resources, implementing the provisions of the Agreement of November 24, 1998 on interaction between the energy systems of the member states of the Treaty on increased Integration in the Economic and Humanitarian Areas of March 29, 1996, have agreed on the following:
Article 1
For the purpose of this Agreement the terms and expressions given below shall mean the following: “joint energy balance” – a system of indicators characterizing production, domestic consumption and the export and import of energy and fuel resources of EurAsEC member states; “national energy balance” – a system of indicators characterizing production, domestic consumption, export and import of energy and fuel resources of a EurAsEC member state; “the Parties’ competent organs”: For the For the For the Kyrgyz Republic – the Ministry of Economic Development, Industry and Trade of Kyrgyz Republic and the State Agency for Energy, Government of the Kyrgyz Republic; For the For the
Article 2
The joint energy balance shall be developed for a medium-term period (3–5 years), which allows for optimization of the ways and methods of satisfying the demand of the EurAsEC domestic market in fuel and energy resources, balancing its supply and demand through the creation of advantageous conditions for interstate supply of these resources.
Article 3
The national energy balances and the joint energy balance shall be developed for each type of fuel and energy resource in accordance with the list specified in Annex 1 to this Agreement.
Article 4
The joint energy balance shall be developed on the basis of national energy balances elaborated by the Parties. The Parties shall annually, before November 30, submit to the Secretariat of the EurAsEC Integration Committee the national energy balances for the reporting period, as well as for the current period and for the forecast years in the format specified in Annex 2 to this Agreement.
Article 5
The Secretariat of the Integration Committee of EurAsEC, together with the Council for the Energy Policy at the Integration Committee of EurAsEC, based on information presented by the Parties’ competent organs shall develop: – a joint energy balance in the format specified in Annex 3, and an explanatory note hereto; – proposals for satisfying the needs of the EurAsEC domestic market in fuel and energy resources. The joint energy balance and the explanatory note hereto together with the draft resolution of the Interstate Council of EurAsEC on balancing the domestic market of EurAsEC shall be submitted annually no later than March 1 for consideration of the Interstate Council of EurAsEC (at the level of Heads of State), in accordance with the established procedure.
Article 6
The Council for Energy Policy at the Integration Committee of EurAsEC shall coordinate the work of the competent organs of the Parties on the development of a joint energy balance.
Article 7
With mutual consent of
the Parties, amendments may be made to this Agreement in Provisions of this Agreement shall not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties resulting from other international treaties in which the Parties may participate.
Article 8
Controversial issues related to application or interpretation of this Agreement shall be resolved by the Parties through consultations and negotiations. In case agreement cannot be reached, a dispute shall be considered by the Community Court of EurAsEC.
Article 9
The Integration Committee of EurAsEC shall be the depositary for this Agreement.
Article 10
This Agreement shall enter into force from the date on which the last notification of completion by the Parties of the internal procedures required for its entry into force is given to the depositary. Each Party shall have the right to terminate its participation in this Agreement by sending written notification to the depositary at least six months before the proposed termination date. Done at The original of the Agreement shall be deposited with the Integration Committee, which shall transmit a certified copy to each member state of this Agreement.
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