INTERSTATE COUNCIL INTERSTATE COUNCIL RESOLUTION on Formation of the customs union of Member states of the Eurasian Economic Community Member states INTERSTATE COUNCIL
RESOLUTION on Formation of the customs union of Member states of the Eurasian Economic Community Member states
16 August 2006 No. 313
The Interstate Council of the Eurasian Economic Community (at the level of the Heads of State) resolved: 1. To take into consideration the information of the Secretary General of EurAsEC about the process of formation of the legal framework of the customs union within the framework of the Community. 2. The member states of EurAsEC – the – by October 1, 2006, carry out a comparative analysis of documents regulating similar issues as those that constitute the legal framework of the Eurasian Economic Community, and the set of documents prepared by them, required for the formation of the legal framework of the customs union; – sign the set of documents prepared on the basis of the results of the aforesaid work; – while signing the documents, determine the sequence of activities for their execution; – finish the preparation of the documents required for the formation of the common economic space by July 1, 2007. 3. Specify the procedure and schedule of accession to the customs union for other member states of EurAsEC, taking into consideration their degree of preparedness. 4. The Integration Committee of EurAsEC, the governments of the member states of EurAsEC shall take all the necessary measures ensuring execution of this Resolution.
Members of the Interstate Council of EurAsEC:
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