PROTOCOL PROTOCOL on the procedure of entry into force of international treaties aimed at establishing the contractual and legal framework of the customs union, accession to them and withdrawal from them of 6 October 2007 PROTOCOL on the procedure of entry into force of international treaties aimed at establishing the contractual and legal framework of the customs union, accession to them and withdrawal from them of 6 October 2007
The Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The supreme body of the customs union shall determine the list of international treaties to constitute the contractual and legal framework of the customs union (hereinafter referred to as the List), which shall consist of two sections: The first section – international treaties acting within EurAsEC, The second section – international treaties meant to complete the development of the customs union’s contractual and legal framework.
Article 2
The supreme body of the customs union shall take decisions on the entering into force of international treaties included in the second section of the List, if the depositary informs them that the Parties have fulfilled all the internal procedures necessary for this international treaty to take effect.
Article 3
The withdrawal of a Party from any international treaty included in the second section of the List shall mean a denunciation of all international treaties in the second section of the List. For such a Party these treaties shall terminate after twelve months from the receipt of the withdrawal notification by the depositary.
Article 4
The international treaties included in the second section of the List upon their taking effect shall be open for accession by other member states of the Eurasian Economic Community on the condition that the joining state assumes the obligatory nature of all the international treaties included in the second section of the List. For the joining state the above-mentioned international treaties shall take effect simultaneously three months after the written notifications on completion of the internal procedures required for its entry into force are given to the depositary.
Article 5
Provisions of international treaties included in the List shall not impair the Parties’ rights and obligations arising from other international treaties between the Parties if such treaties envisage closer integration of the Parties. Provisions of international treaties included in the List shall not impede the conclusion of new international treaties by the Parties that meet the above conditions.
Article 6
Exceptions from this Protocol shall not be permitted.
Article 7
This Protocol shall be temporarily applied from the date of its signature. It is subject to ratification and shall take effect on the date when the last ratification instrument is received by the depositary.
Done in the city of The original of this Protocol shall be kept by the depositary, this function performed by the Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community until it delegates these authorities to the Commission of the customs union. The Depositary shall forward a true copy of this Protocol to each Party.
For the For the For the
Approved by Resolution of the EurAsEC of Interstate Council (supreme body of the customs union) 6 October 2007, No. 1
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