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сентябрь 2015

AGREEMENT AGREEMENT on common rules for determining the country of origin of goods of 25 January 2008


on common rules for determining

the country of origin of goods

of 25 January 2008

The government of the Republic of Belarus, the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the government of the Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”,

With a view to simplifying and harmonizing customs procedures in trade with the States which are not parties to this Agreement (hereinafter “third countries”),

Wishing to create favorable conditions for developing trade on the basis of mutual advantage and international law,

Endeavoring to reinforce the multilateral trade system,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1

On the common customs area of the Parties, as regards goods originating from third countries, except for goods originating from developing and the least developed countries and countries having agreements on free trade in which all the Parties participate, the Rules for determining the country of origin of goods shall apply, in accordance with the addendum forming an integral part of this Agreement.

The Rules for determining the country of origin of goods originating from developing and the least developed countries shall be ratified by a separate agreement between the Parties.

As regards goods originating from a country having an agreement on free trade in which all the Parties participate, the Rules for determining the country of goods origin established by this Agreement shall apply.

Article 2

Disputes arising in connection with the application or interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement shall be settled by means of mutual consultations and negotiations between the Parties and, in the case of failure to achieve an agreement, shall be submitted for adjudication to the Court of Justice of the Community.

Article 3

Upon agreement between the Parties, this Agreement may be subject to changes which shall be formalised by the Parties’ separate protocols.

Article 4

The procedure for entry into force of this Agreement, acceding thereto and withdrawing therefrom shall be laid down by the Protocol on the procedure for entry into force of international treaties aimed at the establishment of the contractual and legal framework of the customs union, and accession to them and withdrawal from them, dated 6 October 2007.

Done in the city of Moscow on 25 January 2008, in a single original in Russian.

The original of this Agreement shall be deposited with the Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community, which, as the depositary of this Agreement shall send legal copies to each Party.

For the government

of the Republic of Belarus                                     S. Sidorsky

For the government

of the Republic of Kazakhstan                               K. Masimov

For the government

of the Russian Federation                                      V. Zubkov

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