Евразийское экономическое сообщество


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Календарь новостей

сентябрь 2015

PROTOCOL on basic principles of the frontier guard agencies’ activities in assistance in harmonizing the legal and other regulatory frameworks of the Eurasian Economic Community member states

Annex 1

to the EurAsEC

Treaty on cooperation

in protection of external borders

of the member states

of 21 February 2003


on basic principles of the frontier guard

agencies’ activities in assistance in harmonizing

the legal and other regulatory frameworks

of the Eurasian Economic Community member states

Article 1

The main goals of harmonizing the national legal and other regulatory frameworks on border protection issues shall be as follows:

– establishing a unified procedure for regulation of legal relationships through juridical interpretation of regulations, concluded international treaties, resolutions of integration management organs on border issues and their integration into national legal and other regulatory acts;

– assisting in the development of frontier guard agencies and increasing their cooperation in every way, and the further improvement of external border protection;

– adjusting an agency-specific regulatory framework and establishing on the basis of national legislation the conditions necessary for Eurasian Economic Community member states to fulfill obligations related to border issues.

Article 2

The Council on border issues at the Integration Committee of EurAsEC shall be responsible for coordinating the concerted efforts of frontier guard agencies aimed at harmonizing national legal and other regulatory acts on border issues.

Article 3

Preventing and settling any possible differences in application within the framework of EurAsEC of the Parties’ national legal standards related to border issues shall be performed through consultations of authorized bodies (representatives) of the frontier guard agencies of the Parties and constant substantial collaboration of the Council on border issues with the Coordination Council on harmonization at the Interparliamentary Assembly and other competent organs of the Eurasian Economic Community.

Article 4

The Secretary of the Council shall be charged with elaboration of activities for the harmonization of legal and other regulatory framework, analysis, generalization and coordination of proposals for realization of agreements concerning border issues, as well as preparation of the corresponding materials for meetings of the Council on border issues.

Article 5

This protocol as an integral part of the Treaty on cooperation in the area of protection of external borders of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Community shall enter into force and be effective on the terms and in the order provided for in the Treaty.

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